11 Jun Wall Spells Added Security for Crystal Substation
When NV Energy decided to upgrade security around its 500-kilovolt, 77-acre Crystal Substation northeast of Las Vegas, the utility chose Energy Erectors.
According to NV Energy, construction of this type isn’t something the utility focuses on. Before Energy Erectors began work, NV Energy had a chain-link fence and, along the south edge of the switchyard, a shorter block wall in place.
The concrete masonry wall that Energy Erectors constructed stretches 7,559 linear feet and ranges in height from 12 to 18 feet. Placed along the wall are two security gates, one reaching 24-feet high and the other 30-feet tall. The siting work included removing existing security systems and grounding. After digging footers and accounting for elevation changes, Energy Erectors installed new conduits for security and grounding along with construction of the new wall and gates.
Energy Erectors began the project in January 2020 and will complete construction by May 31, 2020.